Recommended reading.
Lisa Solomon (2023) ‘Inventing the Future (Taylor’s Version)’:
‘A superfan attends a Victoria University seminar on Taylor Swift’ by Lyric Waiwiri-Smith:
Special issue of Contemporary Music Review:
Special Issue of Post 45:
Simone Driessen (2022) ‘Look what you made them do: understanding fans’ affective responses to Taylor Swift’s political coming-out’, Celebrity Studies, 13:1, 93-96, DOI:10.1080/19392397.2021.2023851
Maryn Wilkinson (2019) ‘Taylor Swift: the hardest working, zaniest girl in show business…’, Celebrity Studies, 10:3, 441-444, DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2019.1630160
Gwendelyn Nisbett & Stephanie Schartel Dunn (2021) ‘Reputation matters: parasocial attachment, narrative engagement, and the 2018 Taylor Swift political endorsement’, Atlantic Journal of Communication, 29:1, 26-38, DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2019.1704758
Margaret Rossman (2022) ‘Taylor Swift, remediating the self, and nostalgic girlhood in tween music fandom’ DOI: